Best Amplifier for LS3/5a

Happy New Year All!  Seeking advice from LS3/5 enthusiasts!  I have tried a number of these speakers (Graham, Harbeth, Falcon and KEF LS50's (if that counts)) - and to me the Falcon Gold Badge really stood out. It's been a while now since I did the comparison, so I don't remember all the details - but I felt that the Falcons were the most musical, engaging, open and did NOT have bloated bass (important for a small room)!  I've held on to a pair for my bedroom system, but I don't think that my current bedroom amps (AGD Audions, which I love with my current Raidho XT-1 monitors) are the best match for them.  I get a bit too much sizzle on the top and some associated sibilance.

Herb Reichert (Stereophile) seems to love these speakers, and his review notes that the Parasound A21+ was too dry with these speakers, but he really liked the Line Magnetic LM-518 IA.  That's not going to work for me!  In this bedroom system I keep the amp(s) under the bed and generally leave them on 24/7.  If possible, I prefer a balanced design, as I want NO HUM in my bedroom and my DAC/Pre (Weiss 501) has both balanced and RCA outs.

Based on the intended setup, I think balanced solid state would make the most sense. Amp selection might be influenced by the speakers having 15 ohm input impedance.

Any suggestions?  Thanks, Peter


I’ve paired the Falcon Goldbadge LS3/5 monitors with the SPL Audio Performer s900 power amp (200 watts @ 8 ohms). It has L/R trim level feature to fine tune the gain in .5db steps (0db to -5.5db). It enables compatibility with different preamps and speakers by precisely adjusting the signal level coming into the amplifier; essentially, it lets you "trim" the input to fit your set up. There’s an s800 model. I prefer the s900 because it has both XLR & RCA inputs. The s800 is limited to XLR but pairs equally as well. I have the SPL Diamond DAC coupled with the SPL amp. The Falcons require power to perform optimally in my experience…given its 15 ohm rating…the 200 watts @ 8 ohms are supplying up to 100 watts (approximate). Note: SPL audio offers 1/2 rack width/compact prosumer gear that can be stacked & configured in a customized way.

  1. I have a pair of Falcon Q7s (which are LS3/5as in a slightly larger volume cabinet) that I run using a McIntosh MA8900 and they sound excellent with this integrated amp. No sibilance with a wide and deep soundstage, and excellent imaging. I don’t recall if the Mac is fully balanced though. It does have XLR inputs and outputs but not sure if the internal design maintains that separation.