Best amp with Dynaudio

I have the Contour 3.4 and am running with the Krell integrated 300i which is now about 7 years old. Would like to update. Does anybody have any suggestions?
I'm using a Electrocompaniet EC4.7/AW120 combination with my Contour s3.4. Works extremely well.
This is slightly off-topic but does anyone know if a Sim W-3 would have enough juice to drive Special 25's? I know that a W-5 would probably be better but funds are a little tight.
Jec, avoid using a McIntosh or Classe integrated with Dynaudio. With my 3.4's, their sound with McIntosh was dirty and uninvolving. The Classe integrated is so much different from all of Classe's other products. My 3.4's played excellent with a CAM 200/CP-35 set-up, but the integrated sounds as if it were from a different company. It sounds very warm and sleepy, in turn being undynamic.
Plinius 9200 integrated seems to make both my Dynaudio S3.4s and Dynaudio Confidence C1's ... sing brilliantly.
I've only used two amps with my Dynaudio's. The McCormick DNA125 and a McIntosh MC162. I preferred the McIntosh and still use it. Sounds great to my ears. I have always heard that Plinius and Sim Audio are excellent matches.