
Responses from ornette

How Big is Your Music Collection
Approximately2000 CDs (60% jazz, 30% classical, 10% pop)150 SACDs200 LPs3000 MP3 albums (downloaded from emusic while downloads were unlimited) 
Miles Davis CD first, now on LP
I don't think the DAT recordings on "Live around the world" will sound good in any format. Better spend your money on other LPs. 
Best amp with Dynaudio
I'm using a Electrocompaniet EC4.7/AW120 combination with my Contour s3.4. Works extremely well. 
Thorens TD 166 MkII with SME tone arm
The overwhelming opinion among Thorens experts in Germany is that the Rega 250 is not a significant improvement over the often underrated stock TP16MkII arm, especially since a Rega costs twice the used price of the Thorens. 
XRCD, can I play it on regular CD player?
Did those marketing guys thinking about this basic and legitimate question coming up all the time when they invented the name "XRCD"? 
HDCDs from China?
There was a recent topic about this on the Steve Hoffman Forum (stevehoffman.tv). Many of those CDs are indeed legit and HDCD encoded, but some are pirate CDs and only use the HDCD sticker to sell better.Of course HDCD doesn't say anything on the ... 
Best sounding SACD's to show-off system
Bob Belden "Black Dahlia" (Blue Note)Big band jazz, not swinging Basie-style but more soundcolor painting like Gil Evans.DSD multichannel recording, very natural and dynamic. The best SACD sound I have ever heard. 
"Getz/Gilberto"with "The Girl from Ipanema". Can it get smoother? 
Pink Floyd FINALLY Releases Live At Pompeii
Ben, Rx8man refers to the "Dark side of the moon" DVD, the recent documentary which contains all the studio footage that is shown in the Pompeji video plus new interviews etc 
Pink Floyd FINALLY Releases Live At Pompeii
Just to make it very clear: the original movie is not on the DVD. The disc contains the new director's cut and, in a different chapter, the music scenes filmed in the Pompeji Auditorium, without all the other footage (studio scenes, scenery).If yo... 
Pink Floyd FINALLY Releases Live At Pompeii
The DVD contains a new "director's cut", as well the original concert performance. I don't know what has been added to the movie as I have not seen the original movie.The picture quality is very good (I have the european PAL version), and the soun... 
Budget Phono Preamp?
Musical Fidelity X-LP (discontinued) or X-LPS (soon to be discontinued). Both have (had) $300 retail price but can be found new for $200 on Ebay.I know other very good phone stages in the price range (Clearaudio, Lehmann Black Cube), but they are ... 
What About MP3?
My personal experience ist the difference between 256 and 320kbs is very difficult to hear, but even the best MP3s can always be identified when compared to the CD source. The difference between CD and MP3 also depends on the complexity of the mus... 
Why is there no reviews for Dynaudio T2.5?
These speakers are made for Home Cinema, which does not mean they don't sound good in stereo settings.I have not heard them, but I've read reviews of their stereo performance in german magazines, which rank them below the Contour 1.8 or even below... 
"Walking in the Moon" who is the artist????
Must have been this version:"The second piece was the most dreadful rendition of The Police's Walking on the Moon I've ever heard, played by a forgettable jazz trio whose obscurity is well deserved.";-)http://www.herronaudio.com/groovenoise/ces200...