Best amp for Salon 2

I am new here and working on my first setup. I was able to find an excellent deal on Salon 2 as the shop was getting rid of floor displays. Unfortunately they only carry Anthem STR and Mark Levinson in pre-amp and amp. I just heard Anthem and they sounded good. Mark Levinson is significantly expensive. Looking at the specs I could not make out much difference. This set up is going to last for years for me. Are there any better amps out there for Salon 2 ? I would prefer to stay below $25K. 


Showing 1 response by chayro

From a practical standpoint, I don’t think it’s a bad idea to ask your dealer to package something for you.  This way you can audition in person and later if you want to upgrade, you both have fixed reference points. Plus, you will have the benefit of full dealer service. IMO, buying blind or on the recommendations of others is not a great way to do it. Up to you.