Best Amp for Magnepan 1.7?

What would be the best amp out of the following four brands to power the new 1.7s? Also, would a monoblock setup be worth the extra money? I like McIntosh; however, I'm not sure if the detail and speed will be up to what the 1.7 would want.

Mark Levinson

Thanks guys
your 2 x 25 Akai with the MG 1,7 it's somehow like a mosquito trying to copulate with an elephant ;-)
I used have a pair of MG1.6's and I drove them with a Krell KAV-250a, which is a very clean and neutral amp. Worked amazing with the Maggie's! Since replaced the speakers with Thiels (lack of ceiling height in the new basement) and the Krell drove them just fine, just too neutral (just replaced the Krell with a Mark Levinson, which I'm pretty certain wouldn't beat out the Krell if I still used the Maggie's).

I will sell the Krell if you are interested.
I own Magnepan MG1.7 and Primaluna Prologue premium preamp. Any suggestion for power amp model in order to drive this maggie better and more dynamic.
I drive my Maggie 1.7i's with CJ MF2275SE amp, I love how the CJ's voice these speakers. sublime.
I used a Parasound Integrated with my 1.7i with a sub and the sound was phenomenal. The Parasound can be found used in the $1500 range and has everything and plenty of current for those Maggie's.