Best Amp for Magnepan 1.7?

What would be the best amp out of the following four brands to power the new 1.7s? Also, would a monoblock setup be worth the extra money? I like McIntosh; however, I'm not sure if the detail and speed will be up to what the 1.7 would want.

Mark Levinson

Thanks guys

Showing 1 response by tweak1

ronwillis +1. Same here. I might have sld my Emerald Physics 100.2SEs prematurely for the exact same reasons- cables. I now have Audio Alchemy DPA-1 and PS Audio M700s, both of which are matched with better cables. I went from toslink to coax and was blown away. I then upgraded my XLR to WireWorld Series 8 and was similarly blown away

I had maggies with a Parasound A23 but the resultant amp heat drove me nuts. One would think heat would be true no matter the class A amp combined with 1.7 inefficiency . 

I would think 1.7s driven by either Audio Alchemy DPA-1 or PS Audio M700s would both be excellent choices. I own both but sold my 3.5Rs some time ago. I wanted an easier load which I found in Emerald Physics KCIIs with Clarity caps and WireWorld XO wiring. IMHO, the EPs outperformed the 3.5s and are half the size but throw every bit as big a sound stage