Best amp for kappa 8.1

Acurus a-250 or Aragon 2004?

     I agree with oldhvymec, a good class D would run them perfect.  Either of these pairs of D-Sonic monoblocks would be a good choice and work well:

Plenty of power, reasonably priced, excellent sound quality, stable down to 1 ohm and free in-home trial periods.

Best wishes,
The min impedance on the 8.1s was 1.7ohms.  Not as bad as the 9s.    I had those speakers and blew a lot of fuses.  
Thanks for input.
I'm a little old school but have heard some surprisingly full sounding class d amps.  I'll update just wanted some input.   Might happen across a deal on larger Aragon.  Trying to move past previous good match with luxman m117 and original kappa 8 years ago.
While still beyond that price range, I think one of the few contenders and perhaps the least expensive of them: some Krell’s. Try and find an appropriate one that has been properly recapped. If not, it might need it soon. Can be rather expensive, as can the shipping costs.
Krell was made for them...LOL the problem is the $$ to run them and maintain the ones he could afford?

 HEAT.... yahoo!

Class ds... they will sing, You'll pay a LOT less for power, and sweat a little less, too..

1000.00 usd  two 500 wpc rails. 1 ohm stable. Hypex MP500? I think
somebody chime in... THAT will run them perfect. They will have the bass they were suppose to have...Now don't throw on, "The Club" 50C, and bombard the poor things..., hee hee they will sound good though.. Just not too'll smoke um....
