best amp for a Maggy 1.7i

I am looking for the most detailed amp for a 1.7i under $1,500.

The amp will be between the 1.7i and a Topping d70s. I use the d70s to control the volume.

The d70s is fed by a Bluesound Node. Or, sometimes, directly by a CD player.

I have a fetish for detail.

I’m thinking NAD 268.

Currently using a B&K EX-442 Sonata and not satisfied.



Showing 3 responses by russ69

i think this statement is too strong...

New retail is what I was referring to. 

There is no $1500 amp that can drive 1.7s effectively. The only thing near that price is a Musical Fidelity M5si Integrated. What your system needs as it stands now is a good preamp.  I cannot under emphasize this.