Best American music of the last 25 years?

What songs and artists best represent American music over the past 25 years?

I am making a mega playlist for my friend immigrating to the States next month. She loves English music but it's heavily censored where she is from. What are the best songs to help her catch up to date on popular genres and show her the best songs of the last 25 years?

Bonus points for songs that cover the plight of generations or relevant sociopolitical situations at the time.


Showing 3 responses by danager

Tom Waits???

His music straddles the 25 year cutoff but whole albums are dedicated to his music by many of the artists listed below.

Townes Van Zandt didn't make the cutoff date but his music  is still  going strong as covers

Soul Coughing

Neutral Milk Hotel

Hiss Golden Messinger


Over the Rhine 

Birds of Chicago

Will Oldham (Bonnie Prince Billy)

Sam Baker ...( both)

Joanna Newsom

Lady Blackbird

So by definition wouldn't the most popular music be the best music?  Does an artist have to have a hit to be the best?  (I don't actually agree with that but as an argument it does have merit)

There is a lot of really good music being made today both in the USA and elsewhere.  Whether it's a hit or not is mostly due to marketing, lack of music education and intent (dance music is very popular within certain age groups)

Over 25 years ago FM radio was the way to be informed of what was going on in the music scene.  Today it's more of an active endeavor or can be outsourced to a program like Roon that uses a computer program and crowd sourcing to build your playlist.  The good news is that due to streaming we aren't limited by geographic boundaries or radio program managers, the only real constraint is time. 

While it will never be mainstream I really enjoy Stages: Volume III by
Ryan Montbleau.  It is such an excellent recording capturing the space of the venue with music that makes me smile.  Trust me to his dismay I'm sure it will never be a hit but that doesn't diminish it's enjoyment level to me.