Best 6JN6 for Berning ZH-270

If anybody did the 6JN6 tubes switching for ZH-270, what is the best brand 6JN6?
My experience with Milbert(Berning designed) is that Sylvania is the best 6JN6. Like most amps they are much more sensitive to input tube selection than power tube.

Most of the other 6JN6 are rebranded Sylvania.

6JN6 was originaly a TV sweep tube. I have never seen any foreign examples or gold pin versions.

John C.
Mechans just summarized every tube post that I've ever read. Cheers,

Thanks for all the very informative responses. I also feel that Mechans is commenting also on the 12at7 and 5965, and it is very helpful. I am doing the tube switchings for my ZH-270, so any suggestions on tube switchings for ZH-270 are very welcome.
You may want to email Allan Bhagan at or call Andy at Vintage Tube Services. Best, Jeff
The post was for entertainment only . I am not commenting on the Berning amp or any tube it uses. I say all tube cliches are true so---
Thanks for clarifying the meaning of my post Spencer, did you know that if any tube is truly tested for every parameter possible... That it will make every other tube sound like garbage even if the properly selected tube is made by the "Cheapskate Horrid Sound Tube Co." best known as "the arson's best friend" and made in ( fill in blank for most dreaded country of origin) to boot.
Do you think that will be seen for what it is or taken as advice?