Best $500 System?

I have a good friend who is going through a lot of stress including financial and health and misses her music. Any thoughts on a "system" that would play CD's only all inclusive including speakers and amps new or used that might give her decent quality music in her home? she is sensitive to clean highs and does not need very loud or deep bass.

Showing 2 responses by mesch

There are a pair of Epos 3s that came up today. Can be had for $180 including shipping. Pair them with a used integrated. Otherwise, a Pioneer A20 can be had new for $270.

The amplified speaker route is also viable. Get a pair that has the volume and amp in one of the speakers which drives both speakers.
Some have a built in DAC so that disc player can be run in via digital out. 
+1 on the route proposed by returntomusic. A $299 amp/dac is a good start. I have listened owned the Pioneer speakers and they make for a great start within the context of a $500 system. Use any cd/dvd player as transport. Speakers and trnsport can always be upgraded as funds and desire dictates.