Best $500-$700 amp/preamp or integrated

Opinions please.

I will soon be looking for an amp/preamp combo, or intetgrated amplifier for $500-$700 (new or used). The preamp must have a remote that controls volume and source. The solid state amp should have about 70-150 watts/channel. The amp will be driving relatively easy-to-drive 8 ohm speakers. If I go with an integrated design I would like it to have pre-outs for later expansion.

I prefer a somewhat warmer sound, but a transistor amp, not tubes. I may consider a tube preamp. The Bryston B-60r has sounded a little harsh to me when I have listened. I very much liked my Magnum-Dynalab MD-308 that I regretfully must sell. It has a high current design that makes a huge difference in the music. For music I like, see my post here:

Has anyone heard the Parasound P/HP-850 preamp --- HCA-750A power amp combination?
although only 50 Watts, the Audio Refinement Complete is a great integrated in your price range. It pushes my 89 Db speakers with ease and sounds wonderful to me and many others. it is a worthy consideration.

good luck, Paul
Thanks for the advice! You are right on with part of the Audio Refinement recommendation. I heard some Audio Refinement separates while auditioning speakers. Imaging, soundstaging and warmth were some of the best I have heard. The sound was just incredible, except for the bass. The lower end lacked substance/slam which is very important to me. Hooking up my MD-308 to the same speakers made a huge difference in the slam and control in the lower registers

Has anyone heard the Jolida JD-1501RC? This looks interesting.

Additional info:
I have not liked the sound of any NAD equipment. Some Rotel has sounded good, but I don't know about their latest offerings. My favorite (lets face it, it's a dream on my budget) amp that I have heard lately is the Macintosh MA-6900.
A great way to get a remote preamp would be an "obsolete" Harman Kardon receiver - like a pro logic model. These - AVR20 - AVR80 - have preouts, and are very neutral stereo preamps, with many inputs. Just ignore the prologic aspect of it. They sell for between $100 - $200. The larger HK units - AVR70 and 80 - would have the minimum wattage you need - 70 wpc. This may be the unexpected all in one answer.
But, if you feel the need for another amp, a guarantted mellow sounding unit comes from the DENON POA series of the mid 80's. I highly recommend the POA1500 - 150 wpc - usually on EBAY for $200 - 300 range. That amp in combo with an HK preamp will give detailed, yet slightly warm music.
Don't miss the Roksan Caspian. More power than its 70 watts imply, and terrific sonics, more American cojones than British PRAT, to my ears. The piece worked great with a variety of gear, small, effective remote, standby function, low profile and understated even elegant apprearance. Their is also an Anthem 2 int. up for sale here, 90/145W, headphone jack [tube-derived?], remote, tubes and SF build quality. Good luck, Trip
Creek passive preamp used with Nikko Alpha 400 amplifier also used on ebay.
Not bright and killer for the budget...