best 4.5" midrange drivers under $1K

Hi folks,

was wondering if any could give suggestion for best midrange. prefer it can make clean audible output down to 100-150Hz, flat up to 5KHz, and has non-paper cone. currently using seas excel wcyex001 in a 3-way setup (alumunium ribbon en fiberglass midbass).


Showing 2 responses by chris74

Audioism, according to your stated requirements, the JX92S should be an ideal fit. In regards to weaknesses, as far as a 5 inch driver is concerned, you will be hard pressed to find much wrong with the Jordan. They certainly don't sound like any metal based driver I have ever heard, musical without peaks or harshness whatsoever. Open, clear midrange and great dynamics to boot. These drivers are so incredibly versatile within their wide frequency range, just check out the specs. For better insight on various applications just browse the forums on diyaudio dot com. Good luck!