best 4.5" midrange drivers under $1K

Hi folks,

was wondering if any could give suggestion for best midrange. prefer it can make clean audible output down to 100-150Hz, flat up to 5KHz, and has non-paper cone. currently using seas excel wcyex001 in a 3-way setup (alumunium ribbon en fiberglass midbass).


Showing 11 responses by audioism

12Ms are great drivers but it cannot match the quick transient of my ribbon tw. I guues its because of its paper cone. thanks for your input :) anybody else
@shadorne: yes I understand what I'm trying to do and I'm willing to pay for it :D I wanna something non-paper, so anything like poly/carbon will do. paper is too laidback of presentation to my likings as non paper will do a clear straight forward presentation. Accuton can go low in 4" size? I think theyr good at upper midrange freq but ok i'll put that on my list :D thankss

@cdc: Flex Unit is on my list. Thanks en sure u can listen

anybody else wanna throw something in mind?
@pbb: I reached that conclusion subjectively and dont expect everyone to agree with me but they were too laid back and not quick enough for ribbons tw. Please chip in whats on your mind.
@cdc: thanks for the zaph's website, its very useful indeed, wonder if he can test Flex 4" and Accutons
@shadorne: Im trying to find to best my excel midrange, i know theyr colder than paper but to me they deliver clear and as-is presentation
yes I agree with the ringing of the non paper, but have you tried excels? They certainly dont hv common weakness compared to other nonpaper..hence my search yet on nonpaper

Accutons cant go low unless the 6"-7"..even 5"one cant go as low as others in my experience
but try excel whenever wanna opt to metal without ringing with still gives you involving and sweet sound

yeah it's 4in afterall..i cant go bigger cause dont wanna to rework much on enclosure and my listening space is limited if not small
Tangband seems interesting, especially the price

anyone has any experience using it? How does it sound aside from its spec?
Thanks shadorne...but ATC is out of budget...a pair of them will go about 13k at

yeah i think tangband is good but still money talks :)

Hows Visaton Ti100? know anything about this driver?
Hi again, found this company on the web, its based on eastern europe i guess. its a handmade one.

Looks like its piece of art but dunno how its sound
"EJ Jordan JX92S 45Hz - 20K awesome driver and they've been at it forever."

do you know the weaknesses that this particular driver has? Look insteresting but need to know what to expect if I try this