Best 2-way room friendly speakers

I've heard 4th order x-over minimizes room interactions and waveguide speakers give constant power / off axis response. OTOH, first order like Thiels always seem to require a lot of fiddling because the large driver overlaps result in uneven room reactions.

What speakers would have the best room interactions without adding a lot of acoustic treatments to the room?

Showing 1 response by charles1dad

Hi Cdc,
I`m not certain your description concerning crossover types is right.Likely implementation is very significant.My Coincident speakers are 1st order designs that with most recordings completely disappear in my room. There`s no clue or sense the sound is coming from the speaker`s location at all(and these are large,5 driver speakers). Coincident makes a smaller 2-way(Triumph Extreme) that would I assume provide the same invisible act also.My speakers were`nt difficult to place in the room either.They are superbly coherent and seamless.A added bonus they`re high impedance with benign phase angles.I drive mine effortlessly with an 8 watt SET amplifier and play all genre of music,no problems.
Best of Luck,