Best 2-channel audio from a one-box DVD player?

OK- obvious contenders are:
Ayre D-1 ($10 or 12$k?? 'the King', or so they say)
Muse Thalia (~$6k- Upgraded Nine Sig- excellent audio)
Camelot Round Table ($4k best bang-for-buck of the top dogs)
New Audio Aero Prestige ($10k- not released yet)

Next level down:
the new Cary (D-3 or something?)
EAD Theatervision
Toshiba S9100 (or some similar model #)
new Pioneer Elite (AVX-10??)
Pioneer Elite DV-09 (my unit!!- better as transport only...)
Sony whatever...

Anyways, those are just a few from the top of my head. OK- what is YOUR choice for absolute best 2-channel audio from a DVD player? Only stipulation is your choice MUST include using the DVD players' INTERNAL DACS (as opposed to using the DVD as a transport only, and using an outboard DAC, in which case a thousand possibilities open up, and that's a whole different discussion...). So- bottom line, forgetting the video capabilities, what is the BEST ONE BOX DVD PLAYER FOR 2-CHANNEL AUDIO?

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The CL-20 is a nice choice. The Muse Model 9 Signature is the best DVD/CD playback I've had.