Best 12AU7?

What is the best 12AU7 or equivalent? NOS or new production. I like brighter sonics with good treble air. Thanks!


Showing 2 responses by bgross

I use 12au7 tubes in my DAC... have tried LaRadiotechnique, Brimar CV4003, RCA Clear Top, Telefunken amount others. These are my (4) favorites for sure but right now I have the La Radiotechniqe in and they seem play best with the particular speakers I'm using these days. These were never imported into the US so if you can grab a set, go for it. Not overly expensive either but really a spectacular presentation to to bottom. French tubes have a personality all their own. Just my opinion 

I'd also say my 2nd in line behind the La Radiotechnique are the Brimar, CV 4003 gold pin. Its a heavy sound that is totally enjoyable. 100% opposite of the LR 12au7wa - they give my DAC a completely differnt perspective. That's what makes this fun... all the "better" tubes play great, they just come at you from differnt angles & give the presentation a decidely contrasting sound.