Best 12AU7 Type Tubes for a Preamp

I am hoping for some help finding good quality and good sounding 12AU7 variant tubes for a preamp – I need two tubes. A price of around $100 each or less would be great but I would pay a bit more (150 ea.) for something that is likely to sound better. The unit came with JAN PHILIPS ECC82 (12AU7/5963) and I also own a pair of reissue/new Mullard ECC92 tubes. Both sets are quiet but I am wondering if there is something even better sounding at a moderate price.

Readily available NOS options I have seen include:

  • NOS RCA Blackplate or Clear Top at about $100-150 EA.
  • Amprex 7316/ECC186 at around $150 each, and
  • Mullard CV4003/12AU7 $150ea.

New options I have found (in addition to Mullard) include (among others):

  • Genalex - Gold Lion B749 / ECC82/12AU7, $70 ea.
  • Psvane 12AU7-S Art Series ECC82, $55 ea.

Thanks for any help.


Just bought a matched pair of Amperex PQ 7316/ECC186 Holland Short Plate O-Getter 1965 Ct5 tubes that measure like new.   Should be here by Saturday.

No, I did not look for the Mullards.  I believe those short plate Amperex tubes are supposed to fall somewhere between the lusher Mullard long plates and box plates, and the more precise/detailed Telefunken and Siemens tubes.  I did like the PQ 7308 version in other preamps I owned some years ago.

@mitch2 Waiting for your impressions. I've Hattor Big pre with AMRG resistors. I'm thinking of getting its tube active stage.


Congratulations on the Amperex 7316 PQs, they will be amazing for you. I couldn't find my notes, I think I sent it in by accident with a lot of tubes I'm having tested again. If you do more tube rolling, here is a good source, and Brent's tubes are above reproach: