Berning ZH270 Synergy

You often see the Berning ZH270 amp paired with Merlin speakers. What other speakers pair well with the Berning amp? In other words, is it more flexible in this regard than we're led to believe? Thanks.

Showing 1 response by xactaudio

With all due respect to Andy, the 5965 GE 5 Stars I use do a wonderful job for me. In the never ending search for perpetual motion, the Holy Grail and the perfect sound, I will have to try these RCA's of which you speak.

As far as 12AT7's, a pair of Tele's in the front position will give you the best detail and dynamics I have yet heard. However using four Tele's will bring a clinical, dry sound that proves a little boring. Insert a pair of sweet sounding tubes like a GEC, RCA or even some GE 5 Star 12AT7's to the rear of the Tele's and I think you will have what you want. The Mullards I tried lost much of the dynamics and leading edge impact that I enjoy from this amp. Granted, there are many different Mullard 12AT7 varities out there that I have not tried. With my current tube mix, I feel no urge to experiment. It sounds amazing!

Hey, its only four months to New Years Eve!!! Where does the time go?