Berning ZH270 Synergy

You often see the Berning ZH270 amp paired with Merlin speakers. What other speakers pair well with the Berning amp? In other words, is it more flexible in this regard than we're led to believe? Thanks.

Showing 2 responses by tubegroover

Art, the Berning is really a universal amp that works with a wide variety of speakers. I recently heard a zh270 side by side with a Krell KSA 250 amp driving a pair of Legacy Focus in a medium size room with 10' ceilings, the Berning wasn't lacking in any area. What was particularly noteworthy was the bass control in comparison with the Krell. This speaker is rated at 95 db at one meter is a 4 ohm load dropping to 2 ohms at 300 hz. While the Berning didn't have the power of the Krell in the low bass, 70 watts vs 250 Class A watts, it was more open and livelier. It is a typical result with many ss amps I have compared it to, fast, phase coherent, powerful and extended at both ends. Providing the speaker's impedance doesn't dip too far below 2 ohms or doesn't have some very difficult rising impedance that might effect its tonal balance with a specific speaker, it will work well. A very nice fit in most situations for one looking for tubes without the typical caveats.

It isn't just suited for Merlins.
Yes, there is a break in period, about 2-3 weeks in my case but you will hear the difference immediately. I'm sure you'll be happy you did it.