Berning ZH270 Synergy

You often see the Berning ZH270 amp paired with Merlin speakers. What other speakers pair well with the Berning amp? In other words, is it more flexible in this regard than we're led to believe? Thanks.

Showing 4 responses by artg

this is an older post, but thought i'd add to it. My Berning makes my Sonud Faber Guarneri Homage's scream for more! it's really a lovely combination!
I agree, it's an amp with range. In fact, Sonus Faber uses it in their test room while developing their new speakers, which is quite a statement all by itself.... I know other have used the Berning (strapped, i think) to drive very, very high end speakers from Kharma.

On an unrelated note - I'm 4-5 days away from the return of my Berning from the wiring upgrade, and the anticipation is driving me nuts. I understand there is some real 'break-in' time to really get it to sing, but i've been without music for over a week: what an addict I've become....
Fiddler - i had a vintage pair of Mullard 12AT7's and found it LOVELY. still very detiled and thansparent, but in my system it was far more pleasing than the tele's....
So Steve (711Smilin) - please do comment on how you like the Berning vis-a-vis the MANY amps you have owned over the years....