Berkeley DAC Series 1, anything better 2.5K$

Hey guys,

I am about to plunge for a used Berkeley DAC Alpha Series 1 that will set me back by $2200.

I have heard it in comparison with Benchmark and there is no comparison. I did A/B test it with the Series 2, but did not think the difference was worth paying 3000$ extra.

However before taking the plunge I was wondering if there are any other DACs < 2.5K that might beat the Series 1 (its pretty old).

There are so many DACs and so little time so thought someone hear might be able to help. Am I making a big mistake overlooking the new kids on the block (QuteHD or Yamamoto) that might outperform the venerable Berkeley Alpha Series 1.

Looking forward to hearing your opinions.

Showing 8 responses by cerrot

You won't beat the Berkeley with 2500 bucks. It can be beat, but not for that much money.
I understand that. I just replaced my berkeley with the k03. Not sure if I will part with it, but if I do, I know no one can by a better dac for the two grand I may sell it for. Silly to think any 1500 dac can come close.
I'm a firm believer in "you get what you pay for". Granted, there are some sily deals out there but, for the most part, excellent sound will cost a few dollars more than mediocre sound. The key is the ability to tell the difference.
Thats all fine, guys but no one can dispute the Berkeley has had some of the best reviews (EVER for a DAC); the NAD, not as near. I love the way we embrace something we like and can afford and all of a sudden its the best darn thing out there.

Me, I like to listen.
I have heard the NAD, it just didnt impress me. None of that magic midrange I get with the Berkeley; it didnt unravel the orchestra complexities like the berkeley (and the berkeley not like the K03) - that woodsy tone in the woodwinds was not there with the NAD... nor did it weed out the strings like I like; The Berkeley was much smoother, just awesome -in my system.
Sabai, if you are getting that from this DAC, that is just awesome. Enjoy it.
Sounds awesome. Seems there are 2 firmwears used by that dac. a newer one and an older one (1.39/1.41?); the rig I heard had the newer one which, I now understand, does not sound as good as the older one. Definitely enjoy that rig Sabai.
I do as well. I had my server sounding pretty good but I have 400 hours or so on an esoteric K03 and cd does trump server with sacd quickly becoming my preferred, though did just order a faster modem since I figure the servers only use now is for hires downloads.

Enjoy listening.