Berkeley DAC Series 1, anything better 2.5K$

Hey guys,

I am about to plunge for a used Berkeley DAC Alpha Series 1 that will set me back by $2200.

I have heard it in comparison with Benchmark and there is no comparison. I did A/B test it with the Series 2, but did not think the difference was worth paying 3000$ extra.

However before taking the plunge I was wondering if there are any other DACs < 2.5K that might beat the Series 1 (its pretty old).

There are so many DACs and so little time so thought someone hear might be able to help. Am I making a big mistake overlooking the new kids on the block (QuteHD or Yamamoto) that might outperform the venerable Berkeley Alpha Series 1.

Looking forward to hearing your opinions.

Showing 1 response by acresverde

Been considering one myself. The only comment I can make is that you might want to read Jerry Siegel's review of the Prism Audio Orpheus and subsequent review of the Berkeley which he compares to the Prism. The webzine is 10 Audio.