Berkeley Alpha DAC vs Lampizator Big7

I am happy owner of Berkeley Alpha DAC mkI + Alpha USB , but after 2 years of using it I feel maybe try something new
I heard god opinions about Lampizator Big7 
Does anybody here on this forum who heard both of this devices, and can tell differences
very important for me is how good is usb input in Lampi Big7 vs alpha usb because I play from MacMini as a source
Sorry for my english..,
Thanks for any comments and advice

Showing 1 response by mysearcher257

Hi Donpen,

I have owned a BAD for years and recently upgraded the software via a download file from the Berkeley website.  It made a huge improvement in the musicality and rendering of PCM files and added support for MQA formats.

You might want give it a try, something new, before you replace your BAD.
