If you read my last post carefully, you will see that on of my points is that although you may swap speaker leads, etc, to create a situation where the phase of the output signal from your preamplifier is the same as the phase of the input, that alone is no guarantee that you have "solved" the issue for once and for all. This is a consequence of the variability of recordings with respect to phase, which is to say (again) that for some recordings, reversing the phase of the input signal is may be preferred, for those who can hear any difference in the first place. The first thing you might want to do is to experiment back and forth with a single recording to establish whether phase makes any audible difference to you in your system in your room. (The listening room probably also plays a role in how easily one can discern an effect of changing absolute phase.)
Benz micro glider cartridge loading advice needed.
Hello! I hope you are all doing well!
I just purchased a new phono pre amp.
I have an older Benz micro glider moving coil cart with 1.1 mv output.
The pre amp has gain of 45db (mm) up to 65bd (mc).
Load settings for moving coil are: 10, 22, 47, 100, 220, 470, 1k, 22k, 47k.
I know that I should listen for myself to determine the best setting. But can someone with more experience than myself give me a range within which to start based on having used gliders in their systems?
Thanks !