Benz Ebony TR or Lyra Kleos SL?

...or a custom 0.18mV Colibri XCW?
Some background, I have the old ARC Ref Phono that I've been running a custom H.O. Colibri XCP (1.0mV) into the MM input on. This because I found the previous = or less than 0.32mV cartrides I had to sound better into MM bypassing the Jensen SUTs in the MC input. From research I believe the reason to be that the SUT config might prefer carts of less than 5ohms or loading of ~100ohms. There might be other reasons, but I'm itching to revisit a LOMC and the 3 above are on my shortlist. The 3rd option (XCW) would have more than 15ohms resistance though, but VdH say they recommend ~100ohms thus its inclusion. Your thoughts?

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The best favor you can do to your ears is to go for an output which is right for your preamp. Benz has a good selection.
When you want to buy one of the carts above you need a SUT. There is a lot of inferior SUT's out there, most have bad datas and you can hear that. Unfortunately no one gives you a data sheet, you have to buy blind. Can be very frustrating. When you can afford a Kondo SF-z, that one is ok. Or try to find one of the older Fidelity Research units. Match its impedance with the impedance of the cartridge you want to use and that's it.