Bent Cant, Can't get azimuth right. Does it matter

Hello again,

I just got a new Benz Micro Gold for my scout and jmw-9 arm. When it arrived, the cantilever was bent slightly over to the left. I aligned using the vpi jig.
With the HI-FI news test record, I can track all the test tracks except the torture track 9. Everything sounds really good, and I am corresponding with Yip to get a mint lp sent out to me soon.

My problem is the azimuth set-up, track 5 side 2. Because the cartilever is bent slightly, in order to get the stylus perpendicular to the record I would have to tilt inward about 20 degrees! On the azimuth track, I can't get the output of the channels equal otherwise, but in all the tracking test tracks the output is identical?

My question is:

If the cartridge is tracking well (excellent) and I don't hear any distortion in my music, is having the azimuth perfect going to make a big audible difference?
I can always send it back to the dealer?

I added a photo of the cartridge to my system ( the photos need to be updated )

Any thoughts?

Showing 1 response by travbrow

Hi,I would send it back and demand a good one.You should not have to accept a flawed brand new(I assume you mean brand new never used)cartridge no matter if it affects the sound or not.I bought several cartridges in the last five years or so some new some used and none have a bent cantilever.