Benefits to Denon 3805 upgrade for Studio 100's

I have Paradigm Studio 100 v3's connected to a biamped Denon 3805 (running preouts to zone 2 and using zone 2 amp to feed speakers in a bi-amped config) thus giving me what I think is 125 wpc in a bi-amped mode. Right now I am in 100% 2-channel music listening mode. I love these speakers, but am looking for the 'wow' factor.

I am intrigued at the prospect of more horsepower for the Studio 100's (reading about their power hungry nature) and I am considering a dedicated 225 wpc amp continuing to use the Denon as a pre-amp. But because of budget, this would be used in a non-biamped mode, using the separate amp for the mains and the Denon strictly for preamp and the surrounds (if I ever get around to them).

Thanks in advance for any thoughts on this config and potential for improvement.
I owned the same model for about a year. Mine sounded quite nice with a B&K ST140, which is about 100 or 105 wpc. There was a MAJOR improvement when I upgraded to Odyssey Statos Extreme Monoblocks, which are at LEAST 200 watts each, but probably more like 300, according to Klaus. Also, the Extremes have a huge amount of capacitance, 180,000 micro-farads EACH, which translates into a lot of current delivery. This is all relevant because these speakers DO love the extra power and current delivery, even though they're rated at ~91 dB efficiency.

You've probably already figured this out, but it's a mistake I made when I first switched to bi-wire speaker cables: Don't forget to remove the little jumper connectors between the two sets of loudspeaker binding posts when bi-wiring. I did NOT know about them and just hooked up the Canare bi-wired speaker cables in (what I thought was) a passive bi-wire configuration. (I should have figured it out, because how else could the speakers operate correctly if a conventional speaker cable was connected to only one of the two sets of binding posts?)

So I hooked the Canare biwires into both sets of binding posts, and I was straining to hear a difference, but wasn't really sure that I could. THEN a while later (days, weeks?) I saw the little brass bridges connecting the two sets of binding posts on the back of the speakers, and took them OFF. At that point the speakers were TRULY bi-wired (passively), and THEN there was a noticeable improvement in soundstaging. Kind of embarrassing, but that's what happened to me, and that's how I discovered the little brass colored jumper bridges. In my defense, they're pretty darn inconspicuous just sitting back there under the binding posts.......Oh well.
My Paradigm experience started with the original Studio 100's then the V.2's. I auditioned the 3's but something was missing so I stayed with the 2's.

I used a 200w Cerwin-Vega amp which gave up the ghost due to age. I replaced it with the PS Audio HCA-2 rated at 150w @8 ohms and the speakers really came alive. Moding the HCA was better still. Then a friend loaned me a 100w Ayre V3 and I began listening to the music and not the system.

It was apparent to me that the Paradigms will improve as the quality of the entire system improves up to a point. So if your at all serious about two channel keep everything because you'll be able to use in a home theater system. Upgrading to a decent integrated or amp/preamp can only improve your sonic quality. But you knew this already...right?

Have fun
Thanks for the feedback. I know listening is the final test, but besides wpc and THD, what specs are critical in identify a quality amp and getting the most for your money?