Benefit of Tube Dampers/Coolers on 6H30?

A quick search of the forums led me to the belief that the effectiveness of tube dampers and coolers is dependent on the tubes used.

I'm auditiioning an Ayon CD-2, and want to really hear what it's capable of before deciding to keep it (which I'm leaning toward anyway).

I'm curious about how beneficial dampers and coolers are on 6H30 tubes. And if they are helpful, which to use? I saw Mrtennis recommended the EAT coolers/dampers ( another thread, and he stated they tamed some of the mid/treble glare in his unit, which is exactly the issue I have with the performance of the CD-2 right now. OTOH, it seems Herbie's halos ( the most popular choice, although I sense the EATs are fairly new.

Then there are these, with a choice of brass or copper:

These, which look very much like the EATs, but cheaper:

These for the *really* brave:

And I recently saw some coolers/dampers somewhere that looked like the EAT and pcX, but longer, covering almost the entire tube, although I can't find them now.

I'm a bit lost. Are any of these products superior to the others? Do any of them change the sound in different ways than the others? Would it be beneficial to combine products, such as Herbie's and the EAT on the tubes?

Are the 6H30 tubes so good they don't suffer from microphonics and other common tube characteristics such that the use of any of these devices would render little if any beneift?

Thanks to all for your thoughts.

Jafox, obviously you haven't read my other thread responses to this issue or you would know that I have and have tried every iteration of the 6h30 that's out there. To include: Sovtek, electro harmonix,Bat technology and the Nos 6h30-dr's. (I haven't had sovteks in my LS-25 in over 3yrs.)
I just recently compared a new pair of electro harmonix 6h30pi gold pins(100hrs. burn-in)to a 5year old pair of Bat 6h30's and the bat's are still considerably better! not minimally better. The 6h30-dr's the same result.
I have a audiophile buddy who has an LS-26 and his experience is the same. In fact he just purchased 2 more pairs of 6h30-dr's he will tell you the same thing.(
Also, I've not had sovteks in my PH-3se since I purchased it 5 yrs. ago. but I have had in it Amperex 7308PQ's 6h23n Russian, matsushita 6dj8's,amperex orange globe 6dj8(mid 1960 vintage) and currently siemens-halski 6dj8's, so I've made the comparisons you are talking about.
I am not a novice, I've been in this hobby 25 plus yrs. and speak from experience not from what I've read or heard from someone else. And as far as your point about the threads on the LS-26& Ref 3, I'd be willing to bet(an I'm not a betting man)that the majority of the folks only compared sovteks to electro harmonix 6h30's (just as Samhar did) an in that regard they're right the difference is only minimal.
Finally, the 6h30-dr's are currently selling for $250-$310 pr. as are the amperex 6922 PQ's an the telefunken's(to use your comparison) and the siemen's for even more. So, my question is if they're not considerably better, why are folks buying and selling them for that price?
I certainly wouldn't pay that price for a minimal difference!
Hello, Ck. I decided to give the 6N6P a try and ordered a dozen from a guy in Russia. I have them running in my Ref 2 Mk II with excellent results. I have had my preamp since it was new (so 8 years or so) and these tubes have added warmth overall and really sweetened up the mids. I paid about $4 per tube with shipping.
Since this thread started I purchased a C/J Act 2 (6H30p) that outperformed my previous Aesthetics Calypso (12AX7, 6922) and for many months I have been satisfied with the improved, dynamics, extension and inner detail the Act 2 brought to my system.
In an attempt to change/improve I rolled in some Electro Harmonix 6H30pi's that were fuller in the mids but less extended and dynamic than the stock Sovteks a trade-off I wasn't willing to make so the Sovteks went back in.
I'd held back from trying NOS Reflector 6H30p-DR because so many have said they weren't a big improvement if any improvement at all.

You are correct on many counts!
I made a blanket statement without full knowledge/experience and to any that may have been negatively effected I apologize. (I apologized to Mr Tennis months ago for a related statement)
The NOS '83 Reflector 6H30p-DR's are an improvement over the other 6H30p tubes in my C/J Act 2 and by no small amount!!! I think the difference is comparable to the differences between a Sovtek 6922 and an Amperex US 7308 PQ White Label in all respects.

If you haven't tried the NOS DR's it may solve what was bothering you or simply improve what you already like, they added a good amount of "fullness" as well as dynamics and extension to my system.