Benchmark DAC 3 HGC or RME ADI-2 DAC

I will be buying a new dac, in order to replace my Lavry DA10. I am satisfied with the sound of the Lavry, but it lacks a remote control.
If I do, it will be one of the two mentioned as I am familiar with brands from studio applications. The RME seems like the obvious choice. It has some EQ ability which would be useful to me, reviews about the sound quality compared to everything else are pretty positive, and it's about half the price.

  So which would you choose and why? I'm wondering what I may be missing that might justify the price of the benchmark?

Showing 1 response by dasign

Yzzsantabarbara, I currently own the Benchmark DAC3 HGC and had same issue with the volume control adjustment. I had to open the DAC and move the XLR output pads to the 20 db position so to have a proper volume range adjustment. The factory standard setting is set at 0 db for the Benchmark amplifier. Once this was corrected, I had linearity in using my volume control.