Benchmark AHB2 Amplifier, opinions and competition

I just ordered the Benchmark AHB2 amplifier.  
I would appreciate any comments on this amp from users, or any opinions of competing amps in the $2000-$3000 range.
My speakers are the GoldenEar Triton 1’s.  Preamp: Conrad Johnson PV11 modified with Teflon caps.

Showing 22 responses by rvpiano

Reason i shot first is that I needed an amp quickly, as a stop gap, because my very old one broke down, and I was tired of waiting for repair.
Was going stir crazy with new speakers and nothing to play them with.
Really just auditioning the Benchmark.  If I love it, I’ll keep it.  Otherwise, have 60 days to try it out.

Just got the Benchmark amp.  Preliminary impressions: cleaner than my old amp, wider sound stage, better definition, better bass.  I’m sure has to break in yet.  Just turned it on.  But, very promising so far. 

I’m not bridging.  I only intend to use one amp.
It seems plenty powerful with my speakers.
As I’ve been listening to the amp and experimenting, the richest sound I get is with the sensitivity switch in the uppermost position with the highest gain.
The technician at Benchmark suggested the middle position, but on my set the upper position sounds best.
The more I listen to the Benchmark, I’m hearing that the reviews are accurate: it has laser-like precision, but is not forgiving on mediocre recordings. As most recordings are not audiophile, that becomes a problem.  I have thousands of CDs and records.  I want to be able to listen to them without gritting my teeth.
 I’ll have to see how the amp breaks in before I decide whether or not to keep it.

All of a sudden everything came together.  I guess the amp broke in, or the weather, or something, but the sound is full, rich, powerful and detailed!
And the sensitivity switch is in the middle as recommended.
 I couldn’t be happier, or more surprised!

 It’s a keeper.

Thanks for the feedback.  Right now, after a few days break in, I’m loving the amp. I actually already do use high end cables.
 I get my old amp back from repair tomorrow.  I almost don’t want to hear it.  But I probably will just to confirm how much better the Benchmark is.
I, too, was worried about the “laser” effect of the Benchmark when I read the reviews. But, with a tubed Conrad-Johnson preamp no such problem exists.
Also, my Schiit Gumby DAC is somewhat more forgiving than some others.
So, the result is sharp and detailed yet sweet without being harsh even on non -audiophile recordings.
Synergy is almost everything.  Years ago, with far inferior equipment, I got a sound not too dissimilar to what I’m getting now because all components perfectly matched each other.
 Now, of course is better, but the point is I was without a balanced system for years because of “upgrading.”  Finally found the right combination again.
I’ve had the amp for nine days now. I’ve played it for at least  eight hours a day since I bought it, and it is breaking in fantastically.  The combination with the Triton 1 speaker and the Conrad Johnson preamp seems to be ideal.
i bought it with the idea of probably returning it when my old amp was fixed.
It was randomly the first amp I saw listed on Music Direct, so I sprang.
Boy, am I glad I did!!
Amazingly, for such a small amplifier, the Benchmark packs a load of power.  Much more solid  than the 170 watt per channel Nuforce monoblocks I was using.
With the 1600 watt subwoofer built in to the Triton 1’s, probably will never need a second one.
It’s ironic that I bought the Benchmark not having yet read the reviews but out of expediency, simply needing to quickly replace my broken amp out for repairs.
You can imagine how thrilled I am after hearing it and reading the glowing reviews cited above.  Also it appears I got lucky in obtaining one before the shortage.
I can just say the Benchmark will not peter  out high volumes.
In fact it has a three-way gain switch which can accommodate any volume need.
Really excellent amplifier.  Certainly miles ahead of the NuForce which I’ve owned.