Belles Virtuoso or PrimaLuna DiaLogue Premium HP

Hello and good day all. First time post here. I’m in the market for a new integrated. My source is a Oppo UDP 205, speakers are from a company called Funk ( 6.1P). I’m torn between trying tubes for the first time, or sticking to SS. I’ve read good reviews about both companies, I’m just having trouble making up my mind. Any suggestions?
If you buy the PL, then there's no turning back from tubes unless you replace it.. Getting the Oppo mod and the Belles you can switch back and forth (SS/tube sound).. Not saying don't get the PL, I've heard good things about it too.. Just saying there's flexibility with the Oppo mod.. I have a SS behind the modded Oppo and for fun change inputs to compare..
The Mldwright upgrade was one of the reasons I bought the Oppo. I like the idea of valves, and am also thinking the PL would be a good option to be be able to roll a little. I think it would be a good place to start. The Belles I’m thinking is going to sound a little relaxed in the middle, and still have punch on top and bottom. Besides, it’s got meters. Not another boring, black box.
If you want  to dabble in tubes, check out Modwright's website.. He can mod the Oppo with some tubes.. I have a 205 also.. I already began the fun of trying different tubes.. Well only 3 so far but still.. In my system the Oppo was so detailed I felt the need to soften it up a little.. I bought some NOS Mullards and that did the trick.. If you're just starting with tubes, I think that's the way to go for you.. Besides you have couple months to kill before the Belles comes out..
If you can call Johnny Rutan at the Audio Connection.  He handles Belles - Power Modules. He is a great guy that will not try to sell it to you but tell you what he knows about it and let you decide yes or no with no pressure at all.  I have a Belles amp and think it is pretty great and I am sure the Prima Luna is also. It does matter what the system is it is going to be a part of. 
I’ve got an old Adcom pre and power now. It makes sound, but not music. I’m willing to wait until the Belles comes out. Only problem is, I’m in western Canada, and there’s no Belles dealer anywhere out here. I can order it, but can’t audition. The PrimaLuna I can get locally. The PL is around 6k, and the Belles will probably be around 8500-9k. I’m willling to spend the extra if the Belles is going to be worth it. Any experience with one or both of these companies?
What is your timeline on when you want to get it?   The Virtuoso doesn't come out for a month or two.