Belles Greatest Integrated ever! The Virtuoso

Just before the Holiday's, I noticed on several authorized Belles websites, that certain separates went out of production which is a pattern that would indicate new products are forthcoming, and sure enough a new Integrated popped up on the Belles website last week, which appears to be his greatest integrated amp to date. The Virtuoso,
putting out over 200 watts per channel into 8 ohms, HT bypass, Processor loop, MM & MC phono stage, and power meters on the front panel. The unit will be released in March at a price tag of $6495. Given David Belles reputation during the past 30 years, who has always been at the top of his game as perhaps the best solid state engineer designer ever in the states, since musicality has always been his first order of business, it wouldn't surprise me at all that the Virtuoso will fly out the door and winds up on the back order list. Its a real looker.
Very handsome unit. Well done David! Its what we've been waiting for.

Showing 8 responses by facten

audiozen - :" I would put Belles engineering genius way above the works of Pass Labs, Accuphase and Boulder". 

 What's the basis of your statement? What amps from each of these companies, including Belles, have you own ; and detailed comparisons can you offer?
Haven't heard any of the 4, looking for some illumination of the whys/whats 

"I could care less about a retailer here in Seattle carrying the Belles product line. I just pick up the phone, call the Belles dealer in California, and have gear shipped by blue label. And no tax!! Easy Peasy! "

Earlier you responded to question about what Belles amp you owned with this statement
"  I was turned on to Belles four years ago by a local audiophile friend who I've known for twenty years who I met at the Washington Audio society monthly meetings years ago. On several occasions, I had the pleasure of listening to his Belles Hot Rod amp hooked up to his Spectral DMC-10 preamp. "

So what Belles amp do you own?


" Their products sell constantly all year around since they have the strongest word of mouth reputation in the country amongst Musicphiles. All the other companies can only survive with their ongoing magazine ads, and constant audio establishment reviews or they would die on the vine. Not Dave Belles "

What possible basis in fact can you make these statements?  

"however, you however that you pick" - meant however you stated you pick    

I'm not a cynic about Belles, I can't be as I've never heard his stuff. Likewise, I knew you didn't own a Belles amp from your prior response; however, you however that you pick up the phone call a dealer in California and have Belles gear shipped to you. that wording implies that you own Belles gear; guess maybe you need to watch what you write. Additionally,  you have a proclivity for making nonsensical statements such as " All the other companies can only survive with their ongoing magazine ads, and constant audio establishment reviews or they would die on the vine." .   Any time you have an interest in a product (Belles, Ascend Acoustics, Tekton)  you go off on these rants and act like you are the "all knowing one". Not quite!. Enjoy your new amp if you get it.