Belles amp hum ... rf problem?

Hi all. I have a noticeable hum problem which I have isolated as coming from my power amp, Belles 150a hotrod. The amp hums when I have it plugged into the wall with nothing else attached. The hum is not always present. I'll go a couple days without it and then it will re-appear ... comes and goes. I called David Belles and he told me the issue was likely a quality of electricity problem which was exciting the torroid transformer. (I live in a large apartment building in Manhattan.) He recommends a RF filter. Can anyone recommend a RF filter brand? Would something like a Blue Circle Noise Hound or PS audio ultimate outlet/power conditioner serve this function? If it is a electrical problem I don't think it's coming from within my apartment. I've unplugged everything that I can and the hum persists. Help it's driving me crazy. I may be imagining this but when it does hum the system doesn't sound as good. High frequencies are really grating. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Showing 1 response by imstech

I had the same problem with the intermittent humming. I plugged my cord into a different outlet on the power strip and it stopped. Weird huh?