Belles 21A with Auricap

Is there any type of number or letter designation to indicate that the Belles 21A has the cap up grade?

I am looking for a good preamp to match my Mark Levinson ML 333. Currently I am using a Audio Research SP-6 -C

I want a wide deep soundstage. Any suggestions and if you have something for sale let me know.
Krell KRC, KSL-2 Belles or something similar.
Thanks Pete
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The 21A with auricaps will have big large yellow auricaps when you take the top off. You can see them through the vents as well with the cover on. I have a 21A with auricaps that will eventually be sold as I upgrade my system but it will be the last thing upgraded as it is such a wonderful line stage. I have auditioned several amps and pre-amps over the last few months and though I have lusted after a few amps, VTL MB-185 highest on the list, I have never really found something that really outshines the little 21A. So don't wait for mine until next year sometime. The thing that I am most after is musicality, soundstage and imaging.