Bel Canto DAC 1 Upgrade

Here is a copy of the email I recieved from Bel Canto inquiring as to new upgrade for those interested: "Yes, upgrades are now available. Return your unit with a note requesting the upgrade, include a return shipping address with a check for $150.00. We will complete the upgrade in a couple of days. Regards, Michael " Guess they have to keep up with that Full Nelson on the MSB. Charlie

Showing 6 responses by tubegroover

I'm with you Charlie. So who is going to volunteer and let us know the results?
Charlie The Bel Canto group is a low key bunch if ever the description fit. I just sent my DAC back a month or so back, a problem with the crystal chip. Spent an hour talking about music in general and their products in particular with Jay. He never once mentioned the DAC upgrade to me. I just heard about it here less than a week after I got the DAC back from them. They aren't very good on returning phone calls either. I guess they are keeping quite busy with the evo amp and DAC 1. Will
Well Sliddi I don't have to read what others say, I listened. Unless there was a problem with the chip which Mark Schifler never indicated to me through several e-mails, the Bel Canto is a better unit by a good margin, at least tonally. Other than the superb s/n and micro/macro dynamics of the P.T. unit, the tonality of MY unit was all wrong and unlistenable. I heard you had a problem with the chip AFTER I SENT MINE BACK but NO ONE from P.T. ever let me know about it and ALL I got back from Mark was his surprise that I was having problems. It seems EVERYONE with a field sample (30 or so according to Mark) was quite happy with the unit. I say this, if you have one legitimate complaint concerning a product (My first e-mail I didn't receive a response on until one week later during which time I sent the unit back) all efforts should be made to find out what the problem is. ESPECIALLY A NEW PRODUCT!! You folks never did follow up with me am I am disappointed. Maybe the problem could have been fixed or maybe SOMEONE could have let me try another unit. I received nothing but a polite e-mail from Mr. Schifler that indirectly indicated my problem was ISOLATED. In my estimation, not a very good business practice for a new company. I do however commend you on your 30 day money back guarantee and say that there is really no risk for those who haven't heard the unit.
Lak When you say "seems to be" is that I THINK there is or yeah this thing kicks ah ah ah....We can talk ourselves into believing things we want to hear but when we REALLY
boy I hate that. Just when you're in the middle of a thought what do you do, you hit the wrong key ...... HEAR something it should be quite apparent. At least to me. I don't want to struggle to discern minute differences. Could you clearly hear an improvement in DYNAMICS which is suppose to be a significant improvement in the upgrade and to my ears an area that the Bel Canto could well improve on.
Thanks Lak. It appears that there is an improvement and for 150 clams sounds as though it might be worth it. One question though, did you notice an improvement in dynamic contrasts micro/macro dynamics or does it remain polite and evenhanded?