Bel Canto CD-2, what DAC Chip?

Anyone know what DAC the CD-2 uses? Bel Canto won't say and neither did the Positive Feedback review. I've tried searching the internet but got no where. Can anyone help?

PS- I wonder why Bel Canto mentions using the BB1792 for the DAC3 but nothing for the CD-2.

Showing 1 response by chayro

From a Soundstage review:

So with all this going for the DAC1, why has Bel Canto replaced it with the new DAC2? A company has to keep its product line fresh to maintain brisk sales, but in the case of the DAC2, there were a few circuit changes that John Stronczer, Bel Canto's head designer, wanted to implement as well. Chief among these was an upgrade from the DAC1's Crystal 8420 sample-rate converter to one from Analog Devices, the AD1896, which allowed true 24/192 conversion/upsampling and an improved signal-to-noise ratio.

Now what?