Beginner choosing amp help

Hi guys , I’m new to the hobby and needed some advice/help picking out an integrated amp or separates.I have Martin Logan motion 40s and a sub. I am currently using a Yamaha as 801. I was thinking about upgrading if it would be worth it. I would like to gain more detail/ clarity and more dynamics if possible without being harsh/ fatiguing. I’d like to stay in the 3 k range. I listen to 60% jazz and acoustic and a little bit of everything else. Mostly stream tidal and just getting into vinyl.I’ve heard good things about Parasound Hint 6 or the separates in this combo, Hegel 190, Belles soloist , or even a Yamaha as 1100. What are your opinions on those amps and will they achieve more clarity and detail? Would the difference be significant compared to what I have now? Thanks for all of the help!

Showing 2 responses by pkvintage

Spread your money out. Look at Bryston amps 3b or 4b. $600 to $1000 they are Awsome. Their pre amps and dacs are very good to. You only need one good amp. Spend as much as you can on a good dac. It will be worth it. 

What about your Turntable and Cartrige?  Spend some of that 3k there to. 

Separates allow you to upgrade as you see fit. It's part of the hobby. 

I will say only one more time. I urge you Google Bryston. It is among they very best Audio companies on the planet for gear and service. Best 20 year warranty in the business.