Beginner audiophile pre-amp/receiver recommendations

Hello all trying to piece together a system that will cover dedicated listening as well as a 2nd zone for in ceiling during parties. 

I'm looking for something to replace my AV receiver with a stereo receiver that will do the following, I'd like to keep things in as few components as possible to not upset the W.A.F..
2 Zone output (xlr)
Phono stage
DAC (for an eventual Bluesound node to replace the chromecast)
FM tuner

Would like to be under 1500.  I'm not opposed to a pre-owned unit. can be an integrated as long as I can also drive the external amp w/XLR:

Currently have:
Krell KAV 2500 power amp
Anthem AVM 20
Chromecast HIFI
Thorens TD120
Hales Concept 2 loudspeakers
Inceliing speakers (4)

Showing 1 response by big_greg

What kind of cartridge do you have?  If it's a LOMC that might limit your choices. 

I'd forget about getting something with an FM tuner in it, you can stream FM stations.  If you really care about FM, get a separate tuner. 

The Peachtree Nova 300 is a nice piece and you should be able to find one used around your budget.  It has a very good DAC and includes a phono stage, but I believe it's limited to MM cartridges.  It does not have any balanced connections.