Beethoven Ninth Symphony

Wanting recommendations for a top-notch recording which has all the passion and fire, and outstanding sonics. I can play CDs and SACDs, but not DVD-As.

Furtwangler's may be the best ever performances, but sonically they are very poor.... sigh.

Showing 2 responses by alexsee

i prefer Toscanini's sym.9 over Furtwangler's, but both are sonically not that great.

the Vanska Beethoven sym recordings are all very good. definitely worth getting.
i second Newbee's Bernstein / VPO recommendation.
there's an excellent Bernstein Beethoven cycle on SHM-CD. it's not cheap but the sonics are great & the performance IMO is as good as it gets (even better than the Vanska, Toscanini, Furtwrangler, & Karajan recordings).

don't get the Bernstein Berlin Wall live recording tho. that one sucks (pardon my language).