Been away for a while, need some help

OK folks, I have been away from the audiophile market for a while, about 10 years. Moved, built a new home, now I have a new home and beautiful finished basement with a dedicated area for music. My equipment is a little dated, but I am finally starting to enjoy listening again. I currently have a Classe CA-151 amp with a Classe SSP-25 pre and a Sony DVP 9000 ES player all on a pair of B&W CDM 9NT. Pursit Audio Musaeus speaker cables, Kimber Hero interconnects. I don't do video anymore so the SSP 25 and DVP 9000 are just 2 channel audio. I used to have a lot of SACD's but we had a break in 2 years ago and a lot of CD's were stolen among other items. 
I just started listening again and I realized how much I miss just listening to music. I was going to start repurchasing some of my favorite disc that were stolen like some Alison Kraus SACD's, but a friend turned me on to Qobuz. So I am trying a free trial and I plugged my MacBook Pro into my pre via cheap cable through the headphone jack. Listening to an Alison Krause CD I used to own on SACD and I must say it sounded pretty darn good. I was going to look at buying a new CD player since I know my Sony is pretty dated and I don't really have SACD's anymore so now I am exploring the thought of a streamer. 
This is where you all come in. Given my situation, what do you suggest. A decent streamer? I started looking and I am seeing everything from $500 to $5000. Its a stretch of the budget but I was intrigued by the Auralic G1. I have to admit the thought of maybe getting rid of the ugly CD cabinet and just streaming is enticing if it is worth it. I must admit tonight was the longest I listened to music in a loooong time listening to the Qobuz on the MacBook pro and listening to everything from Alison to Coltrane. I don't want to crazy anymore but I really enjoy music and I may eventually sell the classe stuff for some tubed integrated down the road, but I think the digital upgrade is my immediate need. I appreciate your help and direction for someone who has been away for a while. 

Showing 1 response by rbstehno

why do you think you need a dedicated streamer? I got rid of my Auralic Aries (which I thought was the best at that time) years ago along with my attached USB dac. Use a Mac or raspberry to run Roon and get a network attached dac, which is the most important component to spend your money on. By getting a network attached dac, you can place the Mac/raspberry in a different room and any disks that you need for any ripped/purchased music. With Roon, you can setup many endpoints around the house using different pieces of equipment (like an older Apple TV) and your network attached dac also becomes a Roon endpoint, all controlled from your smart phone or tablet