Beak -- an analogue tweak.

I always used Michelle clamp until I wanted to experiment with something slightly heavier and I put Totem Beak on the record instead of clamp that resulted in more control over mostly upper mids and highs.
Does heavier mean always beneficial for analogue or it's a downside of a suspention tables to benefit from hevy(ier) clamps?

Showing 2 responses by marakanetz

Beak is about 8 Oz. I tried to place it over the original Michell clamp but found it better to be just alone on top.
The original michell clamp doesn't have any o-ring and it simply ties around the spindle. If the Beak is the key than I'll probably machine-cut the similar piece with exact hole for spindle...
In my System link Michell Gyro SE.
It's available for the upgrade to a heavier Orbe platter for almost a kilobuck worth?
Not sure of suspension upgrades, but I feel like experimenting with hydrolic suspension instead of springs.