Be nice to nOobs

I'm fairly new to good audio, and very new to Audiogon. What a great site! I looked at all the goodies, and thought, "This is a great way to try different stuff, sell it if I don't like it, and really listen to a wide range of gear until I decide what I like."

My problem is this: I've made several offers at full price, but in most cases never even received a reply. Is this normal, or is it maybe because I don't have a track record at A-gon? I've sent follow-up e-mails asking if the stuff is still available . . . and again gotten no answer.

I welcome any advice on what I'm doing wrong or could do better. I'm a noOb, but I'm a serious buyer, and getting tired of feeling "like chopped livah".

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I agree with Viridian. I've never had any problems with sellers with high feedback. I've only had two 'problems', both related to a large discrepancy in the items description. Both sellers had less than 25 transactions on AudiogoN.

Maybe it just all depends on your POV.

I have to step in and defend at least myself, maybe others. If you are trying to state some kind of rule, there are always exceptions. There are risks with ANY transaction. Just look at the welborne debacle.

I've got stellar feedback on Ebay, but only 2 transactions here on Audiogon. I personally don't want ANY problems, just happiness on both ends. Honesty is the only way to assure this, and when somebody complains I just take it back even though they are just a pain in the ass tire kicker. You can't expect to please everybody.
You are right Storyboy, these are exceptions and not the rule. I think those of us with much feedback felt like we had to defend ourselves from Mrjstark's allegations.

This is all way off track and unnecessary though.

Happy Holidays,
when I've sold I've always responded to every inquiry unless I felt I was getting a lot of tire kicking type questions.
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