Be Careful!

With static electricity in this cold dry winter.  I fried the right channel of my Classe Amp last night with the touch of a finger.  I usually have anti-static sheets in hand before touching anything but this time did not.

Good excuse to recap an old amp.

Showing 1 response by jollygreenaudiophile2

When you have a "Static", electrical problem of any type. You have an electrical charge imbalance. And that little spark you get when you touch the amp and hear the pop can be ridiculously powerfull, Which is why it can destroy the component. Why do you have a static? Too many reasons to list here. But it comes down to Ion's. Commonly you need negative ion's to balance out too many pos. ion's. I use Ionic filters which make negative ion's and also scrub the surrounding air.. You'll need to use whatever works for you. One thing to know is that the problem is an imbalance of either pos or neg charges. And for you to achieve a balance in the given area that you listen in will not only stop those nasty little shocks but "will", actually change the sound of your rig. At least to you. This is one reason sound is so subjective. Because we all use these charged Ion's which our ears then "transduce" from sound to brainwave. We all have biological chemical potentials in our ears.Your bodies "DAC" if you will. And we are all built just a little differently, "Thank God!".
     I am sure there is someone here that could expound on this better than I. I just know that I completely solved my own issue and now the room even smells nicer!