BC22 mated to Nautilus 804

Purchased in 2000 - I currently have a Blue Circle BC22 amplifier mated to B&W Nautilus 804s. And it has never been good sounding base wise. I've read many forum threads about the 804s and they say either you won't get great bass or you need a powerful amp to drive them, and or both. It was all boxed away, and I just hooked it all up to start spinning some vinyl, but yuck, the sound is almost no bass, nice transparency and staging but sounds a bit boxed in or like a blanket is over the speakers.

I'm using a BC 21 preamplifier, and I just learn that the BC22 amplifier is absolute phase non-inverted, and the BC21 preamp manual says “If your amplifier is absolute phase non-inverted, connect the + amplifier output to the - speaker terminal and the - amplifier output to the + speaker terminal. So, yea 22 years later I feel a bit stupid not having known this. This did seem to alleviate the ear fatigue but only slightly perceptively added more bass.

For the heck of it, I swapped some very old inexpensive Roger Sound Labs bookshelf speakers and they sounded like the blanket was removed from the speaker, the bass was far improved, but honestly they sound like what they are - cheap speakers.

I'm not looking for slamming bass per say, I guess it would be nice, but just any bass would be a welcome situation.

3 options, any help would greatly appreciated:

1) I can purchase a Parasound A21+ under 3000.00, which is my ceiling for this endeavor, and I'm told it would easily power my 804 speakers with its 300w at 8ohms. Amp recommendations welcome at 3000 ceiling 

2) Purchase a subwoofer, but I don't think my amp even pushes the mid and highs very well on the B&Ws, and not sure I can add a sub into current system, at least I don't know how yet.

3) Purchase new speakers, staying at the 3000 price point. But I really wish I could use the 804s if at possible. 

Current System:

B&W NAUTILUS 804s, BC 22 Amp, BC 21 preamp, BC 23 phono stage, VPI Aries turntable w/ Lyra cartridge, JPS labs interconnects, Lecture YBA Integra CD.

For the BC21, I've just ordered 2 Tung-Sol 6SN7GTB valves, my current are Philips ECG JANWTGA.



Showing 1 response by jasonbourne52

Power is your friend here! Those B&W 804's like a lot of voltage/current. Why spend $3K? There is a Crown XLS 1002 available on eBay for $400 + $15 shipping from seller crimim in Florida. 350wpc@4ohms. Your 804's would love this amp!