This author owned a Belles I amp and matching preamp in the 1980's that I lived happily with for nearly a decade. This gear was well built, good sounding, powerful, and affordable.
I once had the opportunity to speak with David Belles when he was in the process of introducing a new line of gear - I believe it was the OCR series. He was very knowledgable and pleasant to speak with.
As for David's being under appreciated in the audio field, I would tend to disagree with this statement, since like the Frank Van Alstines of this world, David has a very loyal following who've kept him in business for decades, while a number of better known audio manufacturers fell by the wayside.
I once had the opportunity to speak with David Belles when he was in the process of introducing a new line of gear - I believe it was the OCR series. He was very knowledgable and pleasant to speak with.
As for David's being under appreciated in the audio field, I would tend to disagree with this statement, since like the Frank Van Alstines of this world, David has a very loyal following who've kept him in business for decades, while a number of better known audio manufacturers fell by the wayside.