Battle of the Older DAC

Would this be a simple choice for you?

Looking at upgrading my DAC and at similar price points have options of an Auralic Vega (2013) and a Schiit Yggdrasil OG A2 (2018?) 

I have heard the Auralic and it is impressive, but the reputation of the Yggy looks solid.

Would be keen to hear from anyone who has experience of both or if the choice is clearer that it appears to me.

As ever, would love to hear your thoughts.



Showing 1 response by patrickcarey

I have a very old Mark Levinson before it was Mark Levinson which is called proceed. I’ve read that the dacs Are and can be very good on ML equipment and I can affirm that is true.
How could I possibly know?

I have a proceed AVP and avp 2 both of which have built in Dacs.

The dac On the Levenson is excellent. I also have a modern dac the cyan 2 from holo. They are comparable.

The ML has more space and depth and air, but is a little bit brighter and sharper than the cyan. I like them both they are different. I am hard-pressed to say that one is better than the other.

So this may be the exception. If you grab a component that was once upon a time very high end, you may get a Pleasant surprise.