Battle of the Older DAC

Would this be a simple choice for you?

Looking at upgrading my DAC and at similar price points have options of an Auralic Vega (2013) and a Schiit Yggdrasil OG A2 (2018?) 

I have heard the Auralic and it is impressive, but the reputation of the Yggy looks solid.

Would be keen to hear from anyone who has experience of both or if the choice is clearer that it appears to me.

As ever, would love to hear your thoughts.



Showing 1 response by dancub

DACs are the one place where I cheap out. Digital tech is evolving so rapidly, that the cheap stuff today performs reasonable well against the better older stuff.  Plus it seems to have attracted lots of entrepreneural spirit, i.e. inventive and disruptive. My amps, TTs even speakers are several generations old and performing hold their own. The added advantage is that I can regularly feed my GAS without breaking the bank.