Battery to Power Your System?

I've been thinking....Dangerous I know! On another forum a fellow was reporting that he was using a Portable Power Supply (A LiPo battery in a box with a Pure Sine Wave Inverter) to power his system. He suggested that it got him totally away from the "Grid" and all its noise and distortion. I've done a lot of work and built a number of these +Solar Generators" for the Overlanding RV crowd and I know the best of the best still has issues with the inverter phase of the operation when used with delicate electronic equipment. This morning I'm reading a review in Stereophile about the "FE - HYPSOS"....A stand alone power supply to be used in place of supplied outboard power supplies. Very interesting article, BTW. So...I was thinking, with Li battery technology exploding as to amp-hours and limited voltage drop over its discharge cycle, would it be practical to build HiFi equipment that runs on 12, 24 or 48V DC and do away with the whole AC to DC conversion in the equipment. You would charge up your LiPo battery at night from the grid, or during the day while at work off solar, and run your system for hours when needed. Pure, Clean, Voltage stable DC power...No grid connection during play. Wouldn't this drastically reduce the cost of components if they didn't need elaborate power supply filtering etc? LiPo batteries are relatively light weight, have huge amperage discharge available and have life spans of 20+ years with the ability to be recharged thousands of times. Current Lithium batteries don't catch on fire like older batteries did...So don't go there. One LiPo power supply unit could run the entire system rather than multiple power supplies in each unit. Yes-No.....Go back to bed?

I'm looking at it as not only a noise/performance issue (as many folks have really horrible grid electricity or live in apartments with outdated infrastructure)......But also as a manufacturing cost savings and weight saving for shipping. No heavy toroidal transformer and extra heat sinks. Shipping cost have become a huge part of the cost of manufactured goods.


Showing 1 response by sns

I've been expecting this, knew someone would provide audiophile inverter at some point. I used portable lipo power pack with previous dac and a couple linear power supplies, ultimately, found lit somewhat veiling and lacking a bit in dynamics, assumed inverter the issue.


I figured out the issues with grid many years ago, back in 1990's purchased Nirvana Electronic Werks (N.E.W DCA60) amp, class A ss that ran off four lead acid batteries.


Not sure this technology will take off though, will have to beat out all the AC conditioning equipment out there.