Bass reinforcement for very large room

My main system resides in the great room of our open-concept house - essentially a 30x30 open area (entryway, family room, dining room, kitchen) with 15' ceilings.

My second system resides in the 11x15 master bedroom.

Recently I have become especially aware at how much better the much more modest system in the BR sounds - it is weighty and more authoritative. Why? Because no matter what sort of main speakers I use in the large room, it seems they cannot produce enough space for that very large space. In contrast, the BR speakers, with smaller drivers and lesser bass extension, pressurize the room and fill it with sound so easily.

The speakers (now) are Hyperion 938s. They are a quite-capable full-range speaker, solid to the low 30s or so. (The 'lack of weight' that plagues the great room is something that surely extents all the way up to the upper-bass, probably 125-150 Hz, so the speakers' extension is really not too vital. IOW, if they were flat to 20 Hz it wouldn't be much different.)

I am thinking subs are the only/best way to cure this. I could use some kind of EQ - but that would undoubtedly result in great driver excursion and an extreme load on my (modestly-powered) amplifiers. I think I need a lot more driver *area*. In other words, in this case there's no replacement for displacement. (And, by the way, I am no 'bass fiend'.)

I've had subs before. I don't like them because it seems they just never integrate *perfectly*. Especially if they must be relied on all the way up to 100 Hz or higher (which is something I've never even tried).

I don't really have any questions per se and am really just ruminating out loud, but if anyone has any thoughts to share, be my guest. (Moving might be my best bet.)

Showing 5 responses by apachef1

Sounds like your speakers need more power A room that size will need 350-1000 watts/ch depending on the speakers sensitivity. A quality sub for two channel audio would help but no HT crap. Rel studio would come to mind

I did read carefully. Your problem is two fold. First your speakers should be able to fill the room. If they are not like you claim the problem my be not enough power and headroom to fill the room adequately. Have you listened to these speakers in a smaller room and achieve a different result with the same equipment?

You seem to want to hear people tell you about multi sub applications more than what the underlying problem may be. I'm in full agreement with the multi sub concept for your application but that may bring a whole new set of issues.

Multi sub applications become very placement sensitive and you will need to experiment. Be flexible when trying to achieve bass that will be time aligned to your main speakers.

Just putting two subs near the back wall next to your main system may or may not cut it and could also cause a cross cancellation between the two subs and/or your speakers.

I you're having some issue with your speakers and room interaction I personally would spend more time with speaker placement and room inter-action to achieve the best possible sound from your Hyperion 938s before spending a lot of money only to find out you may still have the same issues now only compounded more.

You may also find out the Hyperion 938s are just not going to interact well with your room

I'll be totally honest a previous poster mentioned horns for such a large room and he is really not off base at all. Horns become very easy to place in a large room like yours and you will get room filling sound like no other type of speaker. (I'm not an owner of horn speakers) It really sounds like you may be limited on speaker placement WAF issues and the like. If thats the case you may be fighting a loosing battle in such a large space

Good luck I would be interested in what direction you go and the results.


This guy should of just posted that he is interested in multi sub applications instead of all this other BS he has going on here! He's just wasting everyones time who may have recommendations for the core of the problem.

Its his money and someone will be ready to take it
You have been very closed minded to anyone with advise other than multi sub applications. I told you I agree with the idea and you keep referring back to one suggestion of more power.

Another poster made the same recommendation.

You are being very condescending to people offering advise that you may not agree with. Do yourself a favor and get some social skills before opening up a topic with good natured people only trying to help you

The end!